Thursday, July 1, 2021

Artist Interview: "Christ0pher"

For today's interview, we've got musician/songwriter Christ0pher - let's get into it. 

MW: Thank you so much for being here

C: De Nada. Thanks for having me.

MW: So, can you update us on your current projects?

C: We just released my single “Message In A Bottle” earlier in June.  It’s from a project I recorded in 2016 I’m thinking about releasing this year. REAL IS BETTER THAN PERFECT. I’m sitting on a couple projects right now.

MW: Where did the inspiration come from?

C: It’s just a look into my life prior to my first project: AA2580. What my life was like around 2016.

MW: Any hurdles in the production?

C: Alex the GOAT with that. 

MW: What or who would you say is your biggest influence?

C: It changes. Whatever I’m passionate about at the time. I’m on an authenticity kick right now.

MW: How did you form your work-ethic to be so successful?

C: Repetition. I got to witness my pops first-hand. He made sure I understood not to give up even when the odds are against me since I was little.

MW: What would be your dream collaboration?

C: I really like doing things in-house. It’s gotta be organic if it happens outside of that. Since I’m dreaming, I wish I could’ve worked with Mac Miller before he passed. RIP.

MW: Is there something about you that would surprise people?

C: You’d have to ask people.

MW: Is there anything else on the horizon for you?

C: Well yea, but it’s a surprise.

MW: Where can people find more about you or your art?

C: @wwdids is my handle for everything. That or search Christ0pher with a zero not the letter “O” on YouTube.

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