Monday, April 19, 2021

Izzie's Caravan "Return to Midway"

 Izzie's Caravan is back here in the spotlight at CMT. This time with their new tune "Return to Midway," a rock-centered medium tempo thing that harkens back to at least a few prog-rock roots.  I gotta say, that this new tune's lyric structure is very original. Outside of the chorus (which is quite a bit more chanty), the verses take on a sort-of Gregorian-chant-like structure, where the melody is first and foremost, and the lyrics just kind of syllabically fall where they will. On first listen, this method of songwriting creates quite a sense of anticipation. 

The instrumentation is very appealing to me as well. The organ plus percussion again gives it a nostalgic feeling that hints at the late '60s and early '70s. The guitar parts are a lot of fun too - it's almost like what Lenny Kravitz might have been, had he not been so pretentious - just a side note there. As I recommended them before, so I can recommend them again - Izzie's Caravan is well worth the listen. 

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