Monday, July 4, 2022

TK x Amena NFT Project - YouTube Channel

Well, here's an interesting find. I've been rather curious about the whole NFT phenomenon. I suppose that finding a new way to monetize art is something worth considering - and to those artists who have accomplished doing this, may I just say "I'm impressed." Furthermore, I've been very interested in Japanese popular culture since my time in Tokyo during the late 90's - I remember long nights drinking with my college friends, and of course, Globe and Mr. Children were constantly playing in the background (yes, yes, I'm sure much has changed and that young people might not know what I'm referencing). So, it's always nice to see what's new coming from that island, especially when it comes from a veteran composer and minor hero of mine. 

So, when I stumbled across the TK X (Tetsuya Komuro, yes, THE Tetsuya Komuro)Youtube channel I was pleasantly surprised. Here are a number of songs, some in Japanese, others in English (rather poetic English, if you ask me), featuring a variety of singers in a variety of styles. Evidently, these are tracks built from Komuro's stems in order to create new and original works. 

One that really caught my eye was one of the newest tracks "Trust Me," featuring MattzD, who does a fabulous reggae vocal track for the song. It's a catchy tune with off-beat guitars, a pulsating bassline and some very pleasing key-changes. Equally cool, is the music video, showing lyrics and a wonderful animation which is rather stylish. 

Another standout song is "I'll be There," a catchy, lyrically enticing upbeat ballad navigating the space between heartbreak song and existential dread. Female vocals on this one, the singing is very pop-centered, but with an edge that cuts through the mix. 

I'll be curious to see what more comes from this YT channel, they seem to be doing rather well in the engagements and I imagine the model of cooperative music-making will become more and more mainstream in this ever-connected world. 

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