Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Shotgun Mistress - No Friend of Mine

Have I mentioned how glad I am that straight-up rock is still thriving? I don't mean to make it sound pedantic, but we live in an age of instant-ready-made-EDM, hip hop, avant-garde bullshit. "No Friend of Mine" is a new track from the Australian group Shotgun Mistress; it's a bare-knuckle assault of a track from its gritty low-end guitars to the screaming (yet melodic) vocals.

It seems that Shotgun Mistress agrees with me, from their press release: "As some believe that the genre [rock] itself has lay dormant, still recovering from a 90's hangover. Shotgun Mistress not only brings back the style but also the attitude you can expect from a bunch of musical degenerates." Judging from the media attention these boys have been getting, it's likely there are more than a few people who agree. See their facebook page at www.facebook.com/shotgunmistress

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