Sympathetic music is vitally important to our collective mental health. It’s no surprise to us when a friend says “I like to listen to sad music when I’m sad.” Most of us do. It seems like the singer is saying to us “I know exactly how you feel.” There are; however, times when we need the opposite sentiment, something that says “don’t stop now, you can do this!” Which is where Bonita Adele’s new single “New Mountain” comes in.
The piece is really structured around strong electric piano, sensual saxophone and of course, Ms. Adele’s smooth and powerful alto voice. Trading lines and places in the forefront, the song is really well recorded, the standout sound (outside of Bonita’s lovely voice) really has to be the first-rate saxophonist who takes a fantastic solo in the middle of the song.
It will be interesting to see what new mountains Ms. Adele seeks in the future. Musically, she’s already conquered this one.